Work in Progress

Digital Communication Hygiene

work in progress

Overcommunicate while being mindful of the work you leave for others.

Dynamic Field Lookup in Go

work in progress

Test Automation with Deno

work in progress

Accessible Generated Content

work in progress


work in progress

Image Manipulation

work in progress

Video Manipulation

work in progress

Unicode Symbols

work in progress

A personal selection.

Garden-Variety Custom Elements

work in progress

Custom elements are simple, but powerful. Yet they are easily misunderstood these days, often because they’re mistaken for something they were never meant to be. Let’s just look at what it is they actually do – and don’t do.

Stateful DOM Rendering

work in progress

Web-Application Despair

work in progress


work in progress

I must not produce complexity. Complexity is the mind-killer. Complexity is the little-death that brings total obliteration.