CSS Nesting Syntax Conversion


CSS nesting syntax is not universally supported yet, so we can either avoid or convert it. For the latter I’ve come to appreciate esbuild.

article {
    h2 {
        color: cadetblue;
$ esbuild --supported:nesting=false ./sample.css
article h2 {
    color: cadetblue;

Sometimes we might want to go a little further, using a JavaScript file as our entry point – which can be particularly useful for front-end widgets:

import "./sample.css";
import "./sample.js";
customElements.define("sample-component", class extends HTMLElement {
    // …
$ esbuild --bundle --format=esm --supported:nesting=false \
        --outdir=./dist ./component.js

This will generate two independent files, dist/component.js and dist/component.css, clearly separating JavaScript and CSS (i.e. there’s no magic integration happening here).

Note that bundling changes the way assets are handled, so we might need to specify a loader:

article {
    background-image: url(./bg.png);
$ esbuild … --bundle --loader:.png=copy --outdir=./dist

This will generate a fingerprinted copy of bg.png within dist and make sure that the reference within CSS is transformed accordingly.