
I got my first full time remote job in 2004. I’ve been remote ever since. I’ve read or heard so many different techniques for making remote successful, whatever the composition of the team. But there’s no magic to it.

The technique that matters is simple to understand and hard to implement: Everyone on the team must read. Everyone on the team must write.

If you have collaborative tools that are supposed to help, the help that matters is helping you read and helping you write.

The type of writing that matters is not little blurbs like this tweet, short slack messages, or emoji acks like 👍. It’s narrative. Interpretation and summation of what’s happened, happening, going to happen.

If you want to be remote, learn to be literate. If you want your team to support remote workers, make time for literature.

Stories help to create and verify the shared language and understanding that are the prerequisites for shared goals and shared actions.

FND’s collection reveals similar sentiments from others and provides further evidence on why literacy is important in general: