Banishing npm

npm is slow, unwieldy and unsafe. Deno can now serve as a drop-in replacement for front-end development environments.

Given the state of the ecosystem, I’ve long accepted that npm install now constitutes an antipattern. At the same time, getting by entirely without npm packages can be tricky for web projects: Even if you renounce bundling and have not given in to the framework craze, you might still want to ensure stylistic consistency with a linter and perhaps even use a code formatter.1 Such tools are typically distributed via npm’s registry.

After being quite skeptical at first, I’ve come around to appreciating Deno. That started with its seamless TypeScript integration, which is much more pleasant than in other environments (TypeScript itself notwithstanding): It feels native; there’s very little friction there. Along the same vein, Deno comes with a built-in linter and code formatter – both of which are pretty fast too, making for a fairly pleasant experience overall.

By comparison, making everyone – people (myself included) as well as machines (think CI) – install ESLint and/or Prettier is a hassle at best and irresponsible at worst.

Given all that, I’ve recently gotten rid of npm-the-CLI entirely for one of my front-end projects: A single-page application composed of various widgets. Using web components with vanilla JavaScript, I’ve managed to get by without any third-party dependencies for runtime functionality – yet I opted to use esbuild2 in addition to enforcing stylistic consistency.

With recent versions of Deno, I could finally do this:

replaced npm with Deno

now that Deno supports package.json (both scripts and dependencies), we can use it as a drop-in replacement: it’s significantly faster and generally less of a hassle

NB: esbuild invocations need to reside within package.json (for now?)

Corresponding getting-started instructions:

As noted above, package.json and deno.json are working in tandem:

    "scripts": {
        "build": "esbuild ./src/index.js --bundle --format=esm --outfile=dist/bundle.js"
    "dependencies": {},
    "devDependencies": {
        "esbuild": "^0.17.18"
    "tasks": {
        "check": "deno fmt --check && deno lint",
        "dev": "deno task build --watch=forever"
    "fmt": {
        "include": ["./src", "./test"],
        "lineWidth": 90,
        "useTabs": true,
        "indentWidth": 4
    "lint": {
        "include": ["./src", "./test"],
        "rules": {
            "exclude": ["prefer-const"]
    "test": {
        "include": ["./test"]

Admittedly, having both of those config files is a little awkward and contributes to root-directory pollution, but it’s a worthwhile tradeoff (plus we no longer need root-level config files for ESLint/Prettier). There’s another wart though: Deno still creates a node_modules directory, consisting only of symlinks. 🤷

As you might have gathered, I’m using Deno not as a runtime here, merely employing it as development tooling for a browser-based application. While ignoring its original purpose might seem odd, that actually makes perfect sense in this context – and it certainly feels much more sensible than the previous setup.

This approach also avoids becoming overly dependent on Deno: Replaceability is an important factor for projects’ long-term sustainability. It should be fairly straightforward and painless to substitute this auxiliary tooling with a different setup in the future, should that become necessary.